The Raksha are a species of demonic creatures that inhabit the realm of Huǒ Kūsho, and were created by Kaisen, the Sankogoshi of Huǒ Kūsho, born of the intense evil which resided in his soul. They embody violence and evil, and are driven by an insatiable hunger for suffering and chaos. These creatures, fueled by the corrupted energy that permeates Huǒ Kūsho and Theádoró, are immortal and almost indestructible. In addition to their physical might, the Raksha possess potent magical abilities, further amplifying their destructive power. Their power is directly proportional to the extent of their corruption, which only serves to intensify their insidious motivations. The primary objective of the Raksha is to grow their strength and use it to cause rampant mayhem to become even stronger, caught in an eternal loop of evil and unbridled power. The Raksha are carnivorous beings, with humans being their preferred prey, but it isn't uncommon, though, for them to cannibalize one another. Besides Raksha, they are also referred to by the humans as devils, demons, oni, jinn, the Corrupt Ones, the Children of Chaos, the Bastards of the Violator.
In the beginning, there were three primordial deities called the Sankogoshi. These deities, Yoboro, Kaisen, and Santierra, resided within a void of raw, unbridled, primordial chaos. Each possessed unique power, but it was Yoboro who possessed the natural talent for creation. And so, he created Yún Ghar from the abyss, a paradisiacal utopia. Envious of Yoboro's success, Kaisen vowed to create a realm more vast and beautiful than his counterpart. He worked tirelessly, but whether it was due to a lack of natural talent or his own recklessness, he failed. Again and again, he failed to match Yoboro's natural talent in creating something from the abyss that surrounded them. At first, Kaisen created nothing. He was unable to match Yoboro's abilities and felt a sense of hopelessness wash over him. However, he refused to give up. He toiled endlessly until finally, he created a realm of his own. But this realm was inhospitable to any creatures he created. Kaisen grew enraged, especially upon seeing the success of his brethren. His envy consumed him, and through this rage, came the creation of Huǒ Kūsho, the infernal, hellish homeworld of the Raksha. Upon completing his creation, Kaisen looked upon it with pride. Huǒ Kūsho was his masterpiece, a testament to his power and abilities. However, in a moment of clarity, he understood that no ordinary being could survive the harsh environment of Huǒ Kūsho's wastelands. And so, reaching into the abyss once again, Kaisen began to mold creatures fit to survive his new realm. He created the Raksha, the demons who, like their realm, were devoid of all goodness because their creator was devoid of all goodness.